
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
you set a goal, you get a goal

Dr. mahanttan,
Sunday, September 19, 2010
The Ark was built by amateurs, the Titanic by experts...
I have loved this phrase. I never want to be an expert just a lover. Never a sophist, maybe a sage.
Another one that has stuck in me for a long while is this: "You can't know anything but your experience;
everything else is programming." How cool is that? O how all our behavior is belief driven! Can you ever really push out of your consciousness old beliefs? past love? future dreams? It was a dream to see a concert at Wrigley Field even though most of the people there were noxious and the bands were so so, I am glad I got to go. But now it's time to sleep, to transmute the fabric of reality, to tailor the waves of eternity, like a sailor glides the currents, the torrents of time. Another week, loves to seek, promises to keep, tears to seep, sounds and sights so deep, thru and blue, I love you too
p.s. (Go Bears)
Another one that has stuck in me for a long while is this: "You can't know anything but your experience;
everything else is programming." How cool is that? O how all our behavior is belief driven! Can you ever really push out of your consciousness old beliefs? past love? future dreams? It was a dream to see a concert at Wrigley Field even though most of the people there were noxious and the bands were so so, I am glad I got to go. But now it's time to sleep, to transmute the fabric of reality, to tailor the waves of eternity, like a sailor glides the currents, the torrents of time. Another week, loves to seek, promises to keep, tears to seep, sounds and sights so deep, thru and blue, I love you too
p.s. (Go Bears)
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
ORMUS, Synchronicity, Spirit and LOVE
Xairete! Due to an interesting synchronicity and the suggestions of Og Mandino (do it now, do it now, do it now, do it now, do it now, do it now) I decided that I need to make this post right now (when should I do it?). Alright first off let me say something about synchronicity. Carl G. Jung wrote an essay Synchronicity: An Acausal Connecting Principle, which is well worth reading, where he used the concept to explain seemingly unrelated events that seem to have meaning but couldn't possibly be related by cause and effect. His idea came from his relationship with Einstein and to explain the Chinese concept of the Tao in the I Ching. Any who, I think its an awesome concept because who hasn't had super strange meaningful "coincidences" that they attribute to some higher power or something they don't understand that couldn't be explained by just chance. For example, I was just in California and met this homeless guy by a series of random turns of events and he was originally from the town next to my home town in Illinois and we ended up playing a little show at this guitar shop together and I met someone there who had a best friend that went to my grade school, very strange. What does this have to do with ORMUS and what in the heaven is it? I know ORMUS minerals greatly enhance synchronicity with the universe and have definitely done so in my life, or at the least increased my awareness/consciousness of the possibilities. Let me give some background: Just this morning (After I had been digging through David Hudson and Barry Carter's material on ORMUS late last night) David Wolfe, who I learned about ORMUS from, posted a blog about his new ORMUS gold product coming back, after a two year hiatus, and he summarizes it like this:
"Ormus minerals were re-discovered by David "Radius" Hudson in the early 1980s. The basic discovery that Hudson brought forth is that our spectroscopic signature analysis of minerals has flaws. Materials that are being identified as carbon, silicon, aluminum, calcium, and/or iron are not actually these minerals, but something else. That "something else" are the Ormus minerals. This insight has broad implications across the sciences, including physics, nutrition, chemistry, etc. Consuming Ormus minerals orally or using them topically are both known to have a number of interesting health benefits and some mild psychoactive mood-enhancing effects."
Ok, so when we are talking about ORMUS we are basically talking about Alchemy, the search for the philosopher's stone, strange matter, superconductivity, levitational materials, and a more esoteric understanding of chemicals and elements that some have described as the "female" elements. The upshot is that the periodic table is incomplete and/or inaccurate. I am convinced after playing with this stuff (via the wet-method), and some high-ORMUS foods and ingesting white gold powder that this stuff is for real and that the brick and mortar institutions of science and higher learning are completely ignorant of this stuff and the implication it has for the advancement of our species. I really am talking about shit out of science fiction becoming reality through the study and application of these materials. I am confident that learning more about this stuff is my dharma, and related to my mission. This stuff is how we are going to travel to the stars, how we are going to raise the level of consciousness of the planet, how we are going to all achieve levels of optimal health and happiness, how we are going to acquire things (eventually) like teleportation, telekinesis, understand the connection between Spirit and Matter, and I believe that the re-discovery ("re" because this stuff is obviously what the ancient alchemist of China, India, Persia, Ancient Egypt, The Greek and Roman mystery cults, and middle age Europeans knew about and were playing with...maybe even Atlantis and it's technology was based on an advanced understanding of ORMUS) of these materials will eventually give us free energy, lightsabers, and all sorts of other crazy future technology.
So how do you take advantage of all of this? You could play around with ORMUS extracts and/or make it yourself via a few different methods, but I feel the best way to get this stuff in your body is to ingest foods from plants that naturally have a high concentration of this stuff. Those would include: Spring Water at the source (not in plastic bottles, sorry)
Aloe Vera
Gogi berries
All the medicinal mushrooms, i.e. Reishi, Chaga et al.
Theses are just my top sources, and there are maybe a hundred others that are known to have this stuff in it. It could quite possibily be the most important nutritional discovery ever, because I think our immune systems, and brains and all are cells really run on the ORMUS form of minerals.
If you're interested in more check out subtleenergies.com or youtube anything by David Wolfe, Barry Carter, or David Radius Hudson.
I think I am going to start a band centered around this stuff and raw foods and nutrition and new age hippy consciousness maybe call it Derek and the Reishi-ORMUS band or Reishi or Noni or Aloe Vera (i really like that name) or maybe just the ORMUS band. anyway, I want to spread the word because this will sooner or later become part of main stream consciousness. no doubt. peace, and have the best day ever.
"Ormus minerals were re-discovered by David "Radius" Hudson in the early 1980s. The basic discovery that Hudson brought forth is that our spectroscopic signature analysis of minerals has flaws. Materials that are being identified as carbon, silicon, aluminum, calcium, and/or iron are not actually these minerals, but something else. That "something else" are the Ormus minerals. This insight has broad implications across the sciences, including physics, nutrition, chemistry, etc. Consuming Ormus minerals orally or using them topically are both known to have a number of interesting health benefits and some mild psychoactive mood-enhancing effects."

So how do you take advantage of all of this? You could play around with ORMUS extracts and/or make it yourself via a few different methods, but I feel the best way to get this stuff in your body is to ingest foods from plants that naturally have a high concentration of this stuff. Those would include: Spring Water at the source (not in plastic bottles, sorry)
Aloe Vera
Gogi berries
All the medicinal mushrooms, i.e. Reishi, Chaga et al.
Theses are just my top sources, and there are maybe a hundred others that are known to have this stuff in it. It could quite possibily be the most important nutritional discovery ever, because I think our immune systems, and brains and all are cells really run on the ORMUS form of minerals.
If you're interested in more check out subtleenergies.com or youtube anything by David Wolfe, Barry Carter, or David Radius Hudson.
I think I am going to start a band centered around this stuff and raw foods and nutrition and new age hippy consciousness maybe call it Derek and the Reishi-ORMUS band or Reishi or Noni or Aloe Vera (i really like that name) or maybe just the ORMUS band. anyway, I want to spread the word because this will sooner or later become part of main stream consciousness. no doubt. peace, and have the best day ever.
Monday, September 13, 2010
vampire weekday
I was listening to Vampire Weekend today (thanks Scott). That's a terrible name for this band, however it is probably a savvy and lucrative name; just think about all the Twilight searches that brought them their way. I would have named this band Okonkwo, because their music reminds me of when I had to read No Longer At Ease (albeit Okonkwo is from Things Fall Apart) and got into highlife music for a few months. Anywho, I really like their sound. nuff said.
I am dreaming up doing an ORMUS post here in the coming days with my favorite links and videos and such on the crazy, quantum, and subtle world of ORMUS and ORME technologies because while playing guitar tonight I have been listening to David Radius Hudson lectures and I am spellbound, which makes me very nerdy, I think. I often try to refine my understanding of the whole thing and I would like to bring in R. Steiner and V. Schauberger to draw some implications about where I think this is all going...(hint: other galaxies). Moving along, I want to share my smoothie recipe as well soon that I have sort of perfected in terms of taste and getting all the goodies in there, without using any sugars except berries and stevia extracts. I have refined it so much over the past few years (and after basically all my money I made...I have a problem) and got it to the point where I have maximized its ORMUS awesomeness and it basically tastes like the best chocolate milkshake ever, no joke. I exit with my playlist songs today, it's all about the lyrics baby...or the lyrical guitar solo...
- "Impossible" - Anberlin - "Dark is the way. Light is a Place"
-"Incomplete and Insecure" - The Avett Brothers - "I and Love and You"
-"Coat Check Dream Song" - Bright Eyes - "Cassadaga"
-"California English" - Vampire Weekend - "Contra"
-"I Don't Trust Myself (with loving you)" - John Mayer - "Continuum"
-"This Is Twice Now" - Lydia - "Illuminate"
-"Heard My Train A'Coming" - Jimi Hendrix - Live at Woodstock
- "In The Water I Am Beautiful" - The City and Colour - "Sometimes"
-"It Feels So Right" - Elvis Presley - "Elvis is Back"
-"Winter In America" - Gil Scott-Heron" - "The First Minute of New Day"
-"In Spite of Ourselves" - John Prine - "Sessions @ West 54th
I am dreaming up doing an ORMUS post here in the coming days with my favorite links and videos and such on the crazy, quantum, and subtle world of ORMUS and ORME technologies because while playing guitar tonight I have been listening to David Radius Hudson lectures and I am spellbound, which makes me very nerdy, I think. I often try to refine my understanding of the whole thing and I would like to bring in R. Steiner and V. Schauberger to draw some implications about where I think this is all going...(hint: other galaxies). Moving along, I want to share my smoothie recipe as well soon that I have sort of perfected in terms of taste and getting all the goodies in there, without using any sugars except berries and stevia extracts. I have refined it so much over the past few years (and after basically all my money I made...I have a problem) and got it to the point where I have maximized its ORMUS awesomeness and it basically tastes like the best chocolate milkshake ever, no joke. I exit with my playlist songs today, it's all about the lyrics baby...or the lyrical guitar solo...
- "Impossible" - Anberlin - "Dark is the way. Light is a Place"
-"Incomplete and Insecure" - The Avett Brothers - "I and Love and You"
-"Coat Check Dream Song" - Bright Eyes - "Cassadaga"
-"California English" - Vampire Weekend - "Contra"
-"I Don't Trust Myself (with loving you)" - John Mayer - "Continuum"
-"This Is Twice Now" - Lydia - "Illuminate"
-"Heard My Train A'Coming" - Jimi Hendrix - Live at Woodstock
- "In The Water I Am Beautiful" - The City and Colour - "Sometimes"
-"It Feels So Right" - Elvis Presley - "Elvis is Back"
-"Winter In America" - Gil Scott-Heron" - "The First Minute of New Day"
-"In Spite of Ourselves" - John Prine - "Sessions @ West 54th
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Song remains the Same

(indian springs trail...go straight)

Ergo, in sum much inspiration I recieve from the ORMUS in the spring water to all the concerts lately. In the words of Philip Levine, "They feed they lion", and let me tell you oh boy does it ever grow! namaste.
p.s. above pic of me dry, after getting wet.
led zeppelin,
Spring water
Friday, September 10, 2010
music friday and visions of paradise
I'm listening to the newest Alkaline Trio and I really like it even though I don't really relate to the whole dark drug and suicide vibe anymore, there is something about the aesthetic and tones that makes me feel 16 again. Also Jimi Hendrix Baggy's Rehearsal Sessions are so mind bending that I can't believe it's taken me this long to find them! Same with Phish playing the whole White Album, would have been so cool to be there. Tomorrow night I;m going to the HOB to see Zeppelin 2 with my father; it should be awesome and hilarious at the same time to see 50 somethings reliving trips. hobnail boots! In the mean time watch this David Wolfe video.
this is one of my favorite videos. I cried my eyes inside out the first I watched it and sang YES YES YES PLEEEEASE! If you read this and are on your mission in life, know in your soul that I love you more than I can say because you are helping make this happen. namaste
this is one of my favorite videos. I cried my eyes inside out the first I watched it and sang YES YES YES PLEEEEASE! If you read this and are on your mission in life, know in your soul that I love you more than I can say because you are helping make this happen. namaste
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
expand! expand!
testing e, er, san. my name is wang de rei and this is my first blog. I enjoy art and language and intangible patterns of sound and light and traveling places with no plans and dreaming of getting letters and writing letters back and playing a concert in front of people again soon and making music with other people or being in a folk band with my travelling friend Chris or making a lot of money and then giving it all away to poor musicians and artist and telling them to go make shit or kissing some pretty girl under the tree at Fullerton near Lake Michigan or visiting Central America and eating wild Cacao (chocolate) and eating cacao every single day and finding more people who like to do the same or teach me things I don't know
This is a picture of a reishi mushroom I saw at Dragon Herbs in Santa Monica, CA. I am interested in the three treasures Jing, Qi and Shen. I hope this blog expands and expands!

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