the longevity conference was awesome. I spent all day yesterday with Daniel Vitalis, David Wolfe and Truth Calkins. I am the best ever and then higher than that and then even higher than that. But I am back now and back to work. Even though I feel powerful in a suit I set a goal this weekend to not have a career where I wear a suit. I'd rather wear a bolivian poncho and hat. Talk about being a superhero! Poncho Rojo! Patience...<tangent>I can't wait to read everything ever by Rudolf Steiner because it's totally blowing me away. Almost done reading "From Mammoths to Mediums". Just get it, get them all, the whole series. If you set a goal, you get a goal, right? Here's mine at the moment: "I read all of Steiner's books five times." Here's another, "I am the greatest salesman is the world." Here's another, "I live on property with the best spring water ever." Another: "I attract the most lovely people ever in to my life". Goals are fun. Let's see what those manifest. Thought, Word, Deed. Do it now! But anyway, I just can't say enough about Steiner; he's the New Age Aristotle, (wouldn't that be a good band name?). Anywho, best weekend ever and the Bears won too. Didn't get to go but my father was there. Thursday is Dr. Manhattan as well, hopefully I'll take pictures. LOVE!