The new Anberlin rocks my astral body. Thank you Scott; it does have an Angels & Airwaves vibe, in a good way though. I'm not sure why Christian bands tickle me so but it seems that a long list of them enter my play lists more than often. I had a totally awesome day yesterday. I woke up at my friend Bob's house in my favorite town ever Wauconda at the crack of dawn and even though it was raining I drove to Kenosha, WI in order to harvest some spring water at the Indian Trail Spring in Petrifying Springs Park. I have been planning to do this ever since I got in to Daniel Vitalis (findaspring.com & elixircraft.com) a year ago and I finally decided to make it happen. BEST DAY EVER. I wandered in the forest lost for 45 minutes in the pouring rain and was saturated with water until I figured I was on the wrong trail; any who I ended up finding it and fill some glass jars with it.
(indian springs trail...go straight)

Then I drove back to Chicago listening to Jimi live @ Monterrey and the Avett Bros., which I just was told about and really enjoy btw "my heart like a kick drum" hehehaha, but I had to stop twice because I drank probably a gallon of that water and had to pee SO bad. Got home took a nap and then went to the HOB with my father to see Zeppelin 2, a Led Zeppelin tribute band. It was so rocking and they looked just like them (maybe it WAS jimmy page?) and my dad was rockin' out for sure. It was a really funny scene. This is concert week I guess because I'm going back to see REO speedwagon (CAN'T fight this feeeling!!!...and yet I am afriad to let it grow) Thursday. And next Saturday I'm seeing Dave Mathews (never really liked, but should be cool to see) and Jason Mraz (really like, swweett) @ WRIGLEY FIELD.
Ergo, in sum much inspiration I recieve from the ORMUS in the spring water to all the concerts lately. In the words of Philip Levine, "They feed they lion", and let me tell you oh boy does it ever grow! namaste.
p.s. above pic of me dry, after getting wet.