

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Gravity is the source of lightness,
Calm, the master of haste.
-tao te ching 26

Cycles and circles, up and down, inspire and exspire.
This moment I am content with the content in my moments,
Stilling the constant changing states of my mind constantly.
As winter yin gives way to yang new wood and the liver,
Invert gravity for levity and bring the mirth to your hearth.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

groundhogs day

this month flew groundhogs day has some nostalgic meaning to me. I think February is always my month where I get my shit together and start doing.  I started a yoga teacher certification course which is totally awesome and I am now a student of bodywork and massage therapy studying accupressure, kinesiology, Thai-Shiatsu, and many other interesting things.  I never really thought I would finally be doing this but I feel like it fits me very well.  I am aligning with my dharma...both puns intended.  The snow was crazy and my body is totally sore from shoveling out literally seven feet of snow in front of my garage.  We'll see how this year shapes up and what relationships bloom.  I just want to say to you: whatever works for you please cherish it.  hold on to whatever you can, whatever love you have and anything you hold dear.  savor it.  be thankful. don't become attached though and train yourself to let it go when its time but enjoy it while you have it. whatever works. anyway you can get it. I'm not the relationship type but I think I found a way to do my part and make the world.  so its made.  
I really love sweet potatoes.  I started incorporating them as an element of cooked food into my whole system.  I love coca tea.  I love jiaogulan tea.  I love chaga reishi tea.  I love lots of things and I have a new more balance perspective all the time me thinks.  THANK YOU.  I'll see you later than sooner.  love forever and always, 

Sunday, January 2, 2011

so this is the new year

The holidays are over and it's a relief.
Christmas was nice, and my birthday was ok.
happy new year

Monday, December 27, 2010

she got away

great. missed my chance. I just turned into Darth Derek.,,20453228,00.html

Sunday, December 19, 2010

jam for jesus

the month is flying away here and Christmas is freaking next Saturday!  I'm so excited for this week I can hardly stay sane.  I've been trying to write goodies for the world and the coming of baby Jesus and Santa (and baby derek...25 year old baby derek) so I just wanted to share some images of the holidays. p/s/  I got that banjo, but I immediately tuned it to guitar tuning so i could play it, and can you see the yoda doodle on my white board? thanks Bob. See you soon!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Sunday, December 12, 2010

qui suis-je?

I was the kid that got dirty and changed his clothes, sometimes many times a day.

After I wake up from being drunk the night before I tend to want to clean the house

I love the first snow fall on trees

I can't get sick, but I can make you sick.

I am feeling very excited about the second half of December 2010, lots to look forward too.

I like going to see black and white movies alone on a Friday night.

I eat a lot of honey and cacao

When I wake up I usually go on the computer and check my friend's blog really quick before i do anything else.

I had mexican food twice yesterday, lunch and dinner, and while at dinner some guy broke up with his girlfriend there and she was crying and it was awkward and he sounded like a douche

I love long hallways, and running down them.

I get inspired when you put a capo on the second fret because it makes everything sound magical/

I used to hate modern communications, i.e. texts, blogs, facebook, etc.  and now I am a sucker for them all and hang on every word, plus the sound of an incoming text on an iphone is now permanently associated with you and sometimes i start laughing when the phone is in my jacket and i hear i got a text and i have to take off my gloves and un zip my jacket and get my phone in the freezing cold, and im soooo excited to see what it is, and then it's some ridiculous ad from AT&T...what a waste argg

I love having friends I have known since kindergarten.

I am going to freeze my ass off today at the Bears game with my father!

I have dreams about falling in love

I went to bed with socks and I have no idea where my socks are now

I take hot bathes

I don't want to let another year go by

Im so cold and want to snuggle